Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Putting Tips - Week 2

It's week 2 of my putting tips (view week one) and trying some of last weeks tips I have had some successes, but I still feel like I can do better with my putting.

The tip I am going to follow this week is another youtube golf pro special that suggests I can improve my putting by working on:

  • Starting the ball on the right line (well that makes sense)
  • Concentrating on the starting line
This guy (Lee Scarbrow) suggests placing two tees to form a little gate on your starting line and putting through the tees. This supposedly will help focus starting my ball of the correct line.

I have heard this tip before and I am willing to give it a go - now I just have to find a green keeper who wont mind me sticking two tees in his beautiful green.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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